Cape Haneo 羽尾岬(はねお) 鳥取県岩美町 Tottori JAPAN [San’in Kaigan UNESCO Global Geopark]【Subtitles 字幕】

This is Cape Haneo, facing the Sea of ​​Japan in Iwami Town, Tottori Prefecture. Haneo consists of the Kobaneo district and Obaneo district, which lie across Haneo Beach.
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🟦SDGs14 Life below water🐟. 🟩SDGs15 Life on Land🌲
First, take a look at the beautiful reef of Kobaneo.
We will pass Haneo Beach and head to Obaneo.
Cape Haneo is a cape mainly made of tuff breccia, and the upper part is covered with Pliocene basaltic lava.
Around this cape, you can see various sea-eroded landforms and spectacular rhyolite dikes.
This is part of the San’in UNESCO Geopark.
It was designated as a Japanese Geopark in 2008 and a UNESCO Global Geopark in 2010.
The underlying theme of this geopark is “geology, natural environment, people’s lives, and the formation of the Sea of ​​Japan.”
This geologically diverse region preserves records of the process from the time when Japan was part of the Asian continent to the formation of the Sea of ​​Japan today.🥷🇯🇵


  1. ここは鳥取県岩美町の日本海に面する羽尾(はねお)岬です。羽尾(はねお)は羽尾海水浴場を挟んで小羽尾(こばねお)地区と大羽尾(おおばねお)地区があります。

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    🟦SDGs14 海の豊かさを守ろう🐟 🟩SDGs15 陸の豊かさも守ろう





  2. It’s still a great flight, and the beautiful scenery of nature can be captured in your lens, it’s great! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! ! ! 🎉🎉🎉

  3. That was wonderful as always, it’s a beautiful location and you presented it perfectly…loved the music too. Great job mate 👍🏻

  4. What a beautiful introduction to Haneo Cape in Tottori Prefecture! The stunning coastal views and the rocky reefs are truly captivating. It’s great to see the emphasis on protecting both marine and terrestrial biodiversity. Thank you for sharing this lovely glimpse of Japan! 🌍💜💜💜👍

  5. 岩場の形状と浅瀬の美しい色に目を奪われます。🥰❤

  6. ありがとうございます。良く知っている場所で、子供の頃に海水浴で良く行った場所ですので、上空からの絵で、懐かしく思いました。本当に綺麗で、素晴らしい映像に、うれしくなりました。ありがとうございました。山陰ジオパーク最高です。

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