【ライブカメラ】バイク・車で走れる砂浜・能登千里浜レストハウス(石川県) Noto-Chirihama LIVE camera

【ライブカメラ】バイク・車で走れる砂浜・能登千里浜レストハウス(石川県) Noto-Chirihama LIVE camera

能登千里浜レストハウス https://www.chirihama.co.jp/
UFOのまち羽咋 http://www.hakui.ne.jp/ufo/
提供:HAB北陸朝日放送 http://www.hab.co.jp/




This webcam is presented to you for free by Hokuriku Asahi Broadcasting (HAB), a local TV station company.
Chirihama Nagisa Driveway is the only beach where you can drive along the sandy sore in Japan, which is also rare in the world. Moderately wet and fine sand make the sandy beach firm enough to drive on. Not only cars but also buses, motorbikes and bicycles can drive on the beach.
Driving on the edge of the surf under the blue sky, you will find it like a scene from a movie. On the beach, you can enjoy BBQ and water play during daytime, and sunset over the sea in the evening. And if you are lucky, you can see mysterious and sacred morning haze before dawn.

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