京都・年の瀬の「錦市場」を歩く(2024年12月30日 京都市中京区)Stroll through Kyoto’s Nishiki Market at the end of the year


On December 30, 2024, with the end of the year fast approaching, the Nishiki Market shopping district in Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City, known as “Kyoto’s kitchen,” was bustling with many local residents and tourists buying New Year’s items.


삶도 압박한 2024년 12월 30일, ‘교토의 부엌’으로 불리는 교토시 나카교구의 금시장 상점가는 설날 용품을 구입하는 많은 현지 주민과 관광객들로 붐볐다.

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