撮影:2012年8月28日 北海道旭川市・上野ファーム Flowers Garden(English Garden )
提供:花の名所案内ホームページ http://www.hanazakura.jp

A farm with an English-style garden that has been adapted to a “Hokkaido Garden” to match the climate and soil conditions in Hokkaido. With a wide variety of perennial plants, the atmosphere and colours of the gardens change according to the season.
The garden designer Sayuki Ueno, who also designed Garden, is popular among gardeners in Japan. This farm is based on an garden of hardy perennials that have been rearranged to suit the Hokkaido climate.


  1. 映画や他のものと異なって、色がとても美しいです、スキルは素晴らしいです。

  2. 素晴らしいね。チャンスがあったら、一度行ってみたいです。

  3. Too perfect heaven on earth, one day I will come here enjoy the beauty of flowers garden ; I will

  4. I.​ love.​ flowers.​ very.​much.​so.​beautiful.​ Thank.​so.​much

  5. 綺麗です🐝 咲きみだれるとは、この事では無いでしょうか🌿癒やされますありがとう🙏

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