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🔳石見神代神楽上府社中 プロフィール
697-0005 浜田市上府町イ-147-126
私たちの郷は、古来より交通の要所、政治の中心として栄え、上府(カミコウ) の地名と同じで、上府郷社八幡宮として近郷近在の総元宮(九社)であり石見 神楽八調子発祥の地でも有名です。古人から、永い伝統を引継ぎ、特に大蛇は 大阪万国博(昭45年)では、地元3社中と共に国の代表をして出演し絶賛を戴 き又後継者育成と郷土愛、確立に子供神楽団、和太鼓、石州浜田太鼓団を結成 して郷土芸能振興に頑張っています。今までに、DVD製作、諸外国での公演活 動、ボランティア等を通じて、日本文化芸能の伝承、保存に尽力、独自台本(大江山、五郎王子)有り。

■演目 神楽「大蛇」

■Kagura ” Yamata no Orochi, Orochi ”
 ( This story was taken from a Japanese myth.)

 Once upon a time, in the Province of Izumo, there was an old couple who had eight daughters.
One summer’s day, Yamata no Orochi, the monstrous serpent with eight heads and eight tails came from the big mountains and swallowed one of their daughters.
 Every year, in the same season, the serpent appeared and swallowed one of their daughters.
Finally there was only one daughter named Kushinada-hime left, and now she was to be sacrificed.
The old couple and their daughter were lamenting their fate.
 Then the god named Susano descended from the high heavens to the Hikawa River.
Susano told the old couple to prepare some “poisonous sake” and put it in front of Kushinada-hime who was to be sacrificed.
Orochi appeared with a thunder storm and drank all the sake, thinking that Kushinada-hime’s image reflecting on the sake was Kushinada-hime herself.
Orochi soon drank itself senseless.
Susano of the courageous god attacked Orochi.
A sword emerged from the tail of Orochi, which he named Ameno-urakumo-no-tsurugi.
and Susano married Kushinada-hime he saved, and they lived happily ever after in Izumo.

(Actually the monster is a metaphor of the mountain ranges of western Japan and the floods from these mountains. The daughter’s name is Kushinada-hime.
“Kushi” means “rare,” “inada” means “rice fields” and “hime” is a suffix for a girl. Therefore her name means “rice fields blessed with a rare bumper crop.” Therefore Yamata no Orochi (Eight-forked Serpent) tells the story of how Japan as a rice-producing country was born by protecting farmland from floods.)

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