Nigeria, the giant of Africa, has lately been receiving a lot of visitors from another giant over in Asia. The Chinese are now entrenched in every part of the Nigerian economy, from retail to banking to transportation. Many would claim Nigeria was being pushed into a debt trap, but was that really the case? We would take the newly built SGR railway from Lagos to Ibadan to find out.

#sabbatical #nigeria #africa


  1. Looking forward to the "peaceful" discussion on China's role in Africa. If you get tired of that, you can always make fun of my horrifyingly swollen eyelid instead.

    Btw, let me know if you'd like to see more geopolitical commentary-ish videos like this. To me this stuff is pretty interesting, but that might be just me.

  2. This is great. Have you been to Ethiopia? It's fantastic for travelling beer to beer, coffee to coffee…

  3. Mate you deal with the hustlers very well! In Senegal to handle them you say "bachna, b-ben ayom" (or something, Wolof!)

  4. The British moved out and neglected investing in their former colonies and nowadays the Chinese are in like Flynn and soon will have alot of Africa including Nigeria by the short and curlies as they get into problems with the loans ..guaranteed the Chinese have written into the contracts for various infrastructure "if you default we own it for the next 100 years" just like the port in Sri Lanka!
    That's not to mention they ship in Chinese labour to do most of the work!

    Brits can only blame themselves!

  5. You call Africans monkeys and now , you’re in their countries? Why’s the government allowing this? Stop giving them the keys to our success

  6. What a depth trap!, and in five years nothing will work.

  7. As long as Chinese and other Non Native Africans in general do not have too much control over the projects and the Non Native Africans are kept at a distance or arms length yeah

  8. And why is so many white people trying to expatriate to ALKEBULAN??? That's a question I want to know. At least the Chinese are bringing technical skills that are transferring to the locals…. you Europeans only bring DEATH…. 500years… where is your video questioning France's current meddling in Africa???

  9. I've about China's dealings in African, from China colonizing to debt trap on Africa. It's interesting to see the rider on the train saying these things.

    Anyway Tommy. I will watch wherever you're going. I love how your videos show the best of the people of the land

  10. chinese has contributed to the construction and railways in africa and many more but america has contributed to the global war libya mali somalia 1993 syria iraq afghanistan many others countrys

  11. chinese has contributed to the construction of railways in africa and many more but america has contributed to the global war libya mali somalia 1993 syria iraq afghanistan many other country

  12. dude how tf do you know so many languages, i would love to travel but i only know english and would get lost and killed lol

  13. China to Nigeria 2022: "All good, we'll bridges and railways to help you out bro. No problem"
    China to Nigeria 2042: " You owe us money for those highways. Pay up! Or else!"

  14. YOUR STYE!!
    Okay FIRST OFF, I have to mention your eyelid (stye). Go to an Dermatologist or go straight to an Ophthalmologist as soon as you can.
    As a young boy during my school years every three or four, I would get a painful "stye" in the lower lid of my left eye and maybe one or two times in my twenties. After that I had only a tiny little hard spot that once in a while would get itchy and I thought nothing of it. In my early 50's, I attended an automotive race and spend the entire day with the California sun in my face and that little hard spot woke up. It never had pain but it got itchy and then would swell slightly and then reduce in size as if it's healing. It would do this constantly over the next year or so and one day I woke up and there was a tiny amount of crust in that spot that would wash away in the shower. I mean so tiny, looking at me you, couldn't see it. Everyday same thing and about six months or so later it would get itchy and when I would touch it, a clear liquid would wipe away. Once this stage happened I could feel it all the time but it never once had pain, never swelled, but never closed up or healed and no matter what remedy I would try, it only continued to grow and the tiny hole kept getting bigger (about .2cm).
    I went into my sister-in-law's dermatologist office and the doctor leaned over the counter for a closer look and without charging or doing any paper work other then canceling my appointment, gave me a phone number to an Ophthalmologist to make an immediate appointment. It was Basal Cell which had to be removed if you can imagine. So this was about three years after the day at the races, which was too long and my entire lower eye lid was removed and so, I recommend you go get it checked even if it heals so the amount of removal is less and hopefully the sample they take will be all that will be required. If they tell you don't worry about it, just keep in mind if it feels itchy then go back and get it checked again. My lower eyelid is a skin graft that now looks exactly like your upper eyelid looks, except it's not red colored.
    Good Luck to you.
    I have more to say but this is already way too long.

  15. The same thing China does everywhere, lying, cheating & stealing, it’s the only thing the CCP knows how to do. 👎🏻

  16. I'm starting to hate you because of your language skills dude LoL. Seriously though, who punched you in the eye? I missed that video. I'm kinda watching randomly.

  17. Can you separate Nigeria and blackouts? Kenya has bad blackouts but Nigeria beats us hands down.

  18. 👍 Don't F*ck with New Yorker lol. Thanks for sharing you Experience. Bonus Glad Some Locals are waking up toward Communist China🤘

  19. That guy on the train is brainwashed npc/yes man type of character. There's no more pathetic type of personality in existence tbh.

  20. Debt trap.. They will be the next Sri Lanka.. then they'll just know all their oil will be siphoned to China

  21. I must admit, I'm VERY surprised to see such infrastructure in an african country. Good to see some sort of progress.

  22. Who built all of that? Did China loan the money to Nigeria so that they can pay the Chinese to build it? Looks like they could have done with less train station :)) (use the money for other things too🤔)

  23. About to take over Africa and exploit it for its natural resources because they have used up all theirs. The Chinnese are not doing all this out of the kindness of thier hearts.

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