その滝は、巨大な天然の打たせ湯というからたまらない! 日本の三大霊地として名高い、川原毛地獄を紹介します。

さあ、地獄の入口へようこそ! 地獄と聞いて何を連想する?日本は世界有数の火山国。活火山の数は100を超える。

【Hell tour “Jigoku Meguri”】 in Akita prefecture Kawarage Jigoku
Jigoku tour of Min Min tour series has just started from last time.
Kawarage Onsen is very famous as the top three sacred places in Japan as same as Osorezan and Tateyama.
The goal of here is a big water fall deep in Jigoku.
The basin is natural open-air onsen bathtub which resource of onsen and water of river are flowing into together.
The water fall becomes like huge natural cascade water. I love it!
We are going to introduce Kawarage Jigoku as famous as the top three sacred places in Japan.

What do you imagine when you hear “hell”?
this time “Hell” means that the area where volcanic activity is active.
Japan is one of the world’s most volcanically active countries with more than 100 volcanoes.
Spewing volcanic gas, bare rocks, a bleak landscape, it just seems like hell?
Or such a superb view which has never seen, and plenty of hot spring water, it is more heaven than hell?

【地獄巡禮】 秋田縣 川原毛地獄篇
Min Min Tour從上回開始了地獄巡禮企劃
今天要介紹的川原毛地獄與青森縣恐山 富山縣立山並列為日本三大靈地
瀑潭是由溫泉水與溪水匯流一瀉而下 在底部形成天然的露天浴場
這個瀑布是巨大的天然擊打溫泉 讓人等不及要好好享受了啊!

聽到地獄 你會想到什麼?
日本是世界屈指可數的火山之國 活火山的數量超過100座
地面冒出熱氣 岩石裸露 殺氣四伏的風景 好像地獄?
還是未曾見過的絕世美景及源源不絕湧出的溫泉 反倒像是天堂?


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