
「Lance et Rouge」


「ZONYのコメントにもある通り、この曲は寺田蘭世さんの『戦う乙女』のイメージを軸にしています。曲名の『Lance et Rouge (ランセルージュ)』はフランス語で『槍と口紅』の意味で、強さと美しさを併せ持つことを表現しています。ちょっとだけ『らんぜ』に近い音にできたのもお気に入りポイントです。作詞するにあたってセラミュを観賞し、炎のスピーチを聴き込んで歌詞に反映させた結果、イメージ通りのアニソンのような勇ましい歌詞に仕上がりました。ジャンヌダルクがごとく、戦乱の中を真紅の旗を掲げて駆け抜ける蘭世さんを脳内で再生しながら聴いていただけると嬉しいです。」(BOH)


0:00 イントロ
0:17 1Aメロ
0:39 1Bメロ
0:49 1サビ
1:18 間奏
1:31 2Aメロ
1:53 2Bメロ
2:04 2サビ
2:32 ドラムソロ
2:43 ギターソロ(ムーンライト伝説)
2:54 落ちBメロ
3:07 ラスサビ
3:52 アウトロ

作詞担当BOH Twitter(@lundimusique55)

作曲担当ZONY Twitter(@ZONY46944622)

piapro:off vocal ver.はこちらから!

#ボカロ #AIきりたん #オリジナル

‘Lance et Rouge’

Vocal:Kiritan Tohoku

As ZONY’s comment, this work is based on the image of “a fighting girl” of Ranze Terada. The title, “Lance et Rouge” means “Lance and Rouge” in French. It expresses how strong and beautiful she is. In addition, it sounds like “Ranze” a little. I like this point.
Writing the lyrics, I saw the musical of Sailor Moon and listened to her fiery speech again and again. Then, I took in their atmosphere into the lyrics. As a result, I succeeded in making the brave lyrics like anime songs. I will be glad if you listen to this song imagining that Ranze is pushing her way with a crimson flag like Joan of Arc in the world of wars. (By BOH)

Ranze Terada is my favorite in the second generation members of Nogizaka46. I started to focus on her when I saw the musical of Sailor Moon performed by Nogizaka46 in 2018. She acted Sailor Mars in the musical. The role suited her perfectly and her fascinations, like beauty and strength, were expressed maximally. I got to love her as the play ended.
We made the music of this work first. I made it based on the theme, “a fighting girl”. Speaking of Ranze Terada, the fiery speech in the live of the under members is really impressive for me as well as the role of Sailor Mars. Not being caught in common knowledge and practices, she was fighting to break them. Her attitude was beautiful and brave.
In this work, I gave first priority to expressing her fascinations mentioned above. As a result, the atmosphere of the music was getting like anime songs or theme songs of power rangers. Finally, it was greatly influenced by “Moonlight Legend”. I like the last part quoting “La Soldier”, the theme song of the musical of Sailor Moon by Bandai. (By ZONY)

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.
