Check out the full article over on Crunchyroll!:

00:09: Are you watching any anime right now? What is one series you recently enjoyed?
03:41: Favorite anime of all time?
07:21: Do you have a favorite song from an anime?
09:29: Do you have a favorite song form your discography?
11:03: What is one song you are super excited to perform again?
12:57: Are you excited about doing an international show and music festivals again?
13:57: Is the preparation process this time different than before? How long does it take to prepare the choreography for a tour?
16:44: Can you tell us a little bit about your outfit plans for the upcoming tour?
17:54: What should fans look forward to in your upcoming tour?
18:44: Could you share a funny story from touring abroad in the past?
21:38: Do you have anything else you would like to say to your fans?

Crunchyroll Extras is an anime channel dedicated to mobile friendly content. Anything from exclusive behind the scenes and interviews to cooking how to’s and video essays can be found here.

#Crunchyroll #Interview #Perfume


WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.
