楽譜は読めない。ピアノも今日がはじめてですが、大切な1曲を弾き語りします🎹 I cannot read sheet music. Even it was my first day playing piano, but I’d like to cover one of my best favorite songs which I cherish.🎹

🎉Mckenna Grace様『Post Party Trauma』🎉https://youtu.be/sHN1GHS7bDU?si=95UGdVhZfYovhslV

#mckennagrace さん #postpartytrauma #ピアノ弾き語り


【余談/Off Topic】

わずか10代で書き下ろして作曲し、歌っているマッケナ・グレイスさん。This song has been created in her teenager days. She wrote, composed the music by piano and guitar, and sings all by herself.

天才子役と呼ばれる彼女は女優も歌手もこなし、日々マルチな才能を発揮されておられます。She is also well-know as one of the very talented child actresses.

歌詞の内容は、青春の淡い期待を込めて慣れない”飲みの席”へ参加した少女。そこで彼女は”孤独”と向き合うことになります。In her lyrics, a girl came to a “party” with her young and pure expectations. But unexpectedly, she ends up “all alone”.

まるで”サメやピラニアが噛みつくように、鋭い大人の悪意”に晒されて血が滲むほど心に傷を負ってしまう少女。As she wrote and sings, like “sharks and piranhas”, unknown people’s “little malice bites her pure heart, and bleeds mentally”.

みんなに気に入られようと浮かべていた”作り笑い”さえも剥がれてしまうような辛い経験をしてしまいます。サビでは「家に帰りたい」と泣いて訴える歌詞が繰り返されています。At first, the girl showed her smile to every one to be somebody’s favorite, but she cannot keep it up, and control herself to get out of the party with full of tears.

はじめて曲を聴いたときは、マッケナさんの正直な心の叫びと群衆のなかで孤独を感じる痛烈な切なさが胸をギュッと締め付けて止みませんでした。In my first impression, all those sensitive and honest young girl’s confession made my heart wrenching a lot.

若者だけでなく、誰しもが共感し経験し得る”孤独”や”見知らぬ人からの小さな悪意”。それを赤裸々に歌にしたマッケナさんの勇気には敬服するばかりです。But this song show the point of what is being lonely. The pain of being treated like that can be sympathetic not only for young people, but also anybody. To confess what it was painful is not easy. So I really respect to this song and Mackenna herself on her multi-talent and braveness, too.


WACOCA: People, Life, Style.
