トルシエジャパンが世界に挑んだ2002年日韓共催ワールドカップ。その直前に行われた中田英寿へのインタビュー(聞き手:進藤晶子)を中心に構成された45分の中田特集。恩師や元チームメイトの発言も織り込んだ韮崎高校時代の映像は貴重。|Perhaps many Japanese fans consider Hidetoshi Nakata to be the most excellent footballer Japan (or maybe Asia) has ever produced. He had played for Japan in three FIFA World Cup finals, while playing for a couple of Italian Serie A teams, including Perugia, Roma, and Parma, before his retirement in 2006. Originally broadcast in May 2002, just a couple of weeks before the opening of the 2002 Korea/Japan World Cup finals, this 45-minute program includes interviews and other footages from various stages of Nakata’s career up until 2002.

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.
