A powerful earthquake hit Tokyo on October 7, 2021. The epicenter of the tremors was on the border of Tokyo and Chiba prefectures. A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 hit the Japanese capital on Thursday. The focus was located at a depth of 80 km. The walls in buildings in the Japanese capital were swaying violently. An emergency warning system went off in the streets. The movement of high-speed trains “shinkansen” in the Tokyo area was completely suspended after the earthquake, the work of the subway was also interrupted, and some of the passengers were caught in the carriages. Also, as a result of the earthquake, water pipes were damaged, as a result of which many streets were flooded. Several significant fires have occurred. There is no threat of a tsunami in Japan after the earthquake, but seismologists warn of the possibility of new powerful aftershocks, they will be especially strong in the next 2-3 days
In 2021, natural disasters have become more frequent. We are seeing climate change in many countries around the world. It is not known how 2021 will end.
#weather #news #typhoon #tsunami #Japan #rain #Tokyo #earthquake #flood #tornado #wave #chiba #hurricane #nature #disasters
The channel lists natural disasters, such as: 1) Geological emergencies: earthquake, volcanic eruption, mud, landslide, landslide, avalanche; 2) Emergency hydrological situations: tsunami, limnological disaster, flood; 3) Fires: forest fire, peat fire; 4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Storm.

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.
