Little Girl Pudding Voiced by Ikue Otani 大谷育江!! PS1 Love Love Torokko (Game Released for Japan Only) 1999 ラブラブトロッコ
Surprising Amazing Video Game released Japan only. Must see NOW
Love Love Truck is one of the weirdo Japanese games with odd gameplay and idea but turing out to be quite fun. You and a partner are on a cart. Pump the thingy up and down to move, while the partner can jump up to grab power ups. Seems simple enough. Story wise, you and a partner are among many others looking for a lengendary treasure withing the mines. Taking a ,mine cart, you battle the roller coaster maze of rails to find the tresaure.
Take your cart, pump, grab treasures. It gets repetitive quick, but the crazy mazes offre fun and the thrill of taking either way in a forked path is great. A dead end or treasure? The roller coaster effects are also fun, as does disobeying all traffic safetly rules by jumping up and down on a speeding cart to get power ups.
This game is quite fun to play again, much like a roller coaster you can control. With multiple paths and characters, this game offers quite alot to play through again, but only just enough to warrant another game. Players are advised to try this game out first. A fun game for a quick game.

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