皆さま こんにちは!
運命鑑定士 優蘭でございます。
yuuran go channelでは、

#開運 #二宮和也 #占い #ジャにのチャンネル #スピリチュアル

・2015年度健康雑誌「ゆほびかGOLD」Vol 28(9/29発売)に 「天地人カード占い」特集掲載
・2015年より、ミヤギテレビ ちょっとブレイクタイム 「優蘭の星座占い」放送中!
著者: 「観音の絵」の「花音カード占い」掲載(マキノ出版)


 dragon eye Japan

【Spiritual Counselor YUURAN】
She was born and raised with the Art of Divination.
She started to learn the art of division by self –study since she was teenager and she built her own style as a spiritual counselor based on the art of division , astrology system and oriental astrology and so on.
She has been working as a spiritual counselor for over 17 years and she has over 20,000 clients. She provides consultations for clients about business, physiognomy of a house, moving, relationships, and marriage etc… Currently, concerns from people in the medical field have risen. In addition, she hosts seminars and spiritual counseling all over Japan.
The History of Yuuran’s career
2006 : Opening of ‘ Kanon Dou’, the office of spiritual appraisal.
2009 : Supervision of ‘ The power of Kannon’.
Publishing of ‘ The power of Kannon for being happy’.
2009~: Writing serialize ‘ The fortune telling to being happy by Yuran’ on Japanese magazine ‘Riraku’.
2010~: Publishing and writing essays for many famous magazines in Japan
2015~: ‘ Horoscopes by Yuuran’ for Miyagi TV

Her expertise and work include but not limited to…
– Love
– Marriage
– Relationships
– Business
– Work
– Health
– Moving
– Travel (Lucky Compass Navigation)
– Physiognomy of a house
– Name changes and naming
– Counseling for luck
– Attending as a guest at an event
– Writing essays
– Media attendance
– Company seminars

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.
