The translation might be wrong, but here’s Kei’s first solo LP album after the dissolution of Pink Lady… “I Like One Person” or ひとりが好き. This is full of a mix of slower songs, and slightly more upbeat love songs, While I’m not a huge fan of slow songs, I actually think these would help me relax after a busy day of work. Suzume, the first track is probably my favorite… But most of these are actually quite nice!

I hope you enjoy Kei’s first solo outing as much as I did recording it! Timecodes will be down below so you can find the song you’d like to listen to easily!

00:00 すずめ (Sparrow)
04:31 つかの間の雨 (Fleeting Rain)
08:09 ターミナル (Terminal)
12:08 ラスト・シーン (Last Scene)
15:18 一人の部屋 (Single Room)
19:23 もっと下さい (Give Me More)
23:46 ソファーのくぼみ (Dimples On The Sofa)
27:35 星になったパパ (Daddy Turned Into A Star)
31:32 ハロー・トゥ・ミー (Hello To Me)
35:23 前夜祭(イヴ) (Eve)

#ピンクレディー​ #JPOP​ #増田けい子

WACOCA: People, Life, Style.
