Lindsay Lohan’s beach fight with ‘fiancé’ Egor Tarabasov | News Today Shocking video shows Lindsay Lohan’s beach fight with ‘fiancé’ Egor Tarabasov sparking concerns for star. The footage appears to show Egor grabbing Lindsay and twisting her arm behind her back as he tries to grab a phone from her hand. It was meant to be a romantic getaway with her Russian fiance Egor Tarabasov, the man she had credited with bringing her “peace and happiness”.

But troubled Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan’s dreams of a happy ending seem to have been shattered once again.

A shocking video – filmed by an onlooker in Mykonos, Greece – appears to show billionaire playboy Egor violently grabbing Lindsay and twisting her arm behind her back as he tries to grab a phone from her hand.

The film has gone viral as Lindsay yesterday claimed it was just one of several assaults she has been subjected to in her 10-month relationship.

Last night her close friends told the Mirror they are “deeply concerned” for the former child star, with one saying: “We are monitoring her round the clock. She’s been through so much.”

Their fears came as Lindsay, 30, flew to Sardinia to stay with Italian watch designer Marco Mavilla and his family.

Marco and her other close friends, socialite Hofit Golan and choreographer Brian Friedman , have been in touch with the Mean Girls star every day since last month’s beach row.

But sources claim pals’ concern has grown even more since the video emerged.

One source claimed: “Lindsay’s friends have her on round-the-clock watch, they are constantly calling her and making sure she’s OK.

“Everyone is very worried about her and how her relationship with Egor is affecting her. They are hoping the
situation won’t get any worse.”

Lindsay yesterday spoke for the first time about their difficult relationship, claiming that Egor, the son of construction firm owner Dmitry Tarabasov, “drank too much and went crazy” on their Mykonos holiday last month.

She added: “I’m scared of what Egor might do to me and to himself.”

The row started as Lindsay and Egor, who met in October 2015 and got engaged earlier this year, sat in a jeep on the beach.

The film shows Lindsay throwing a phone out of the vehicle, and the pair jumping out to pick it up.

Egor is seen running after her and lunging towards her as he tries to grab the device, appearing to pull her arm behind her back in the struggle.

After he wrestles the phone off her, Lindsay gets back in the car, while Egor stands outside appearing to read a message.

The row took place last month but has only just come to light.

But it is not the first sign of trouble in the couple’s tumultuous romance.

Two weeks ago, Lindsay claimed on social media that business school graduate Egor, 23, had gone out partying with a “Russian hooker” behind her back.

The woman in question is Russian designer and socialite Dasha Pashevkina, and Lindsay has since apologised for her comments.

A day later, details of another terrifying row emerged when the couple were filmed by a neighbour arguing on the balcony of the £3.2million flat they share in Knightsbridge, London.

Lindsay is heard screaming: “He just strangled me, he almost killed me.”

Police broke down the door after receiving reports of a “woman in distress”.

Lindsay yesterday alleged: “When we got home I went to bed and Egor went out. A few hours later he came back and when I woke up he was standing over me.

“He wasn’t himself, he was being very aggressive and he attacked me. It’s not the first time. That’s the problem.”

It is understood police have never questioned Lindsay or Egor over any alleged assaults.

Last night it was still unclear whether Lindsay was really ending the relationship for good, as she had suggested.

She appeared to have cut ties with Egor, saying: “I realise now you can’t stay in a relationship just for love. No woman can be hit and stay with that person if that person isn’t prepared to say sorry.”

But worryingly, Lindsay – who was ridiculed when her list of lovers was leaked in 2014 – also admitted to contacting Egor in the last few days, even taking some of the blame herself.

She said: “I know I’m not an angel but I’ve tried to fix things. It’s down to him now. I had suggested we go for couples counselling.”

Egor had seemed like a fresh start for the former party girl, with the couple even talking about starting a family.

But now a source says: “Her relationship with Egor is so toxic, a lot of her friends are hoping she can move on from him and put herself first.

“That’s the most important thing right now.”

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